Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Its been awhile...

...since I've posted. Some of it due to not having the time (or taking it), some of it due to not knowing what to post and here lately, some of it due to just not feeling up to sharing. But last night, playing with my daughter, I learned something that I feel I should or maybe even need to post. So here goes.

My little girl, there are so many things i could say about her.... how smart she is - she's two and converses in three languages. She's so funny and witty. She cares with her whole heart. And the latter is what intrigues me the most. She loves. Simply put. She loves her mama and of course her Meme and Poppie. She loves her Tommy and Dora toothbrush. She loves her baby dolls. She loves Noah (our horse - i mean dog) and her kitties. She loves Wubbzy and watching Widget fix things - which she must then imitate. She loves it when Rintu makes Kilan's heart feel super happy. She loves it when its time to eat and water the garden - especially when she can pick the ripe fruit too. She loves bubbles and gets super excited about Popsicles. She loves to play in her room and loves it when you sit down to have tea parties with her. She loves going - anywhere. Our conversations are generally full of "i love ____" or "_____ is my favorite" statements. I guess most people that read this might say that she's 2 and that's typical. And it may very well be. She's a happy child and that I'm grateful for, on so many levels. But it hit me last night that maybe that's why she's such a happy child, she loves. Even the simplest of things.

So today i thought I'd try it too. While sitting here, wishing i was a million miles away on a beach somewhere, I've made up my mind to just love. So here goes: I love my Dr grip pen. I love that our office is made up of a realm of people from the drinker, to the crazy lady, to the lazy one, the messy one, the pinhead, the funny one, and the peppy one. I love that on any given day those labels could apply to any one of us in here. I love that our office has a grapevine that doesn't exclude anyone! I love that i get to deal with people all over the country and on a good day the world. I love that sometimes there are things about my job that i just don't get, and other times I move mountains. I love that while its not my dream car, it runs and is dependable and safe. I love my facebook, myspace and blogger friends who allow me the opportunity to be nosey and look into their worlds everyday. I love to be nosey. I love that right now my boyfriend is welding and drilling and shaping metal and putting together rotors for a Christmas present that he's making Sarah. I love that he cares enough about us both to make it. I love that at the end of my day I get to go home to my family. And God willing, I love that I'll get to do it all again tomorrow.

And do you know, that while its not solving any financial crisis that i or others around me may have and its not creating world peace, it is making me feel lighter today.....

Now if I could only be as cute or cool as Sarah... ;o)

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